This page will feature links to many of my friends’ websites that feature everything from art to honey to local farm-gate food, as well as a smattering of services and things I just find cool.
I shall expand this page whenever I have time, which usually means when I have a bout of insomnia or the temperature is -35 and the wind is howling, otherwise I am off hiking and filming.
But for now, here are a few links to check out – just click on their name or image and you’ll be taken to their site, but then the internet has been around since 1967 so you probably know that by now.

Tim Francis is a long time friend and an incredible painter who has a wide variety of styles. I love his psychedelic phase, but then I am a child of the sixties. His nature, waterscapes, portraits and landscapes all have a quality that draw you right into the image – well worth the click.

Garrett Plummer is an artist friend I met through my son and I have long thought that Garrett’s kinetic art will one day be recognized internationally as some truly brilliant work. He creates art in a wide variety of formats and styles and he also has a line of clothing that is guaranteed to turn heads.
Weirdly enough, I have enough bee-friends that they warrant their own heading. Nothing quite like locally produced honey – good for you, good for the environment.

Coquihalla Apiaries I met Sarah and Nicola Valley and they were much like the other beekeepers I’ve known – very respectful of the bees and of the environment. Here’s their take on the life of bees:
We believe that if we look after the bees they will look after us. For us, as beekeepers, it is important to create a respectful relationship between ourselves, the bees and the environment. This belief guides our daily work.
The bees that we work with have been kept in the Nicola Valley for over 40 years. They tend to do very well in the territory because they have been bred for the local environment: cold, dry winters and hot, dry summers. Our vision is to continue breeding strong bees that will thrive in our area.
Hunter Honey Our friends Anne-Marie and Rob Hunter describe their operation this way:
Honey bees in managed colonies are kept for different purposes: bee breeding, pollination, and honey production. We take great joy in managing a small number of colonies to protect their health, and to produce honey locally, sharing with our hometown people.
Our colonies are located on the edges of hayfields, next to wildflower forage sources, away from intensively managed crops. We keep our bees healthy by avoiding chemicals and GMO crops. Disease and parasites are ever-present threats to honey bees, and we prefer to avoid harsh, persistent chemicals.


Danial Neil Danial is an incredible writer and you owe it to yourself to check out his writing. He is also to blame for getting me back into writing so you can mention that to him the next time you see him 🙂 Lately he has been doing public readings around Nanaimo so keep an eye open for his next one.

Gerry Shea is not only a life long friend (since grade 3 at Crestline Elementary) he is also a well known author of Hiking Trail Guides. Check it out, these make great gifts and a subtle way of telling some one to “go take a hike!”
Art Galleries

Food Producers

Blue Sky Ranch Blue Sky Ranch raises heritage breed hogs and cattle. They process their meat locally in small batches and sell it direct to local consumers. Check their website for current availability. Free delivery to Merritt!

Farmers’ Larder The beef we sell is raised Hormone, Antibiotic free as well as being grassfed and grain finished, to ensure a well marbled, all natural, delicious product.

Sabrina and Mike Live Sabrina and Mike are sure to liven up any party or function. When Covid first hit, Raven and I would join into their on-line concerts and it was a blast (the concerts, not the Covid!)

Mitch Hayes Mitch is a Brock boy that has a clear distinctive sound that makes listening easy. Check out his Soundcloud space, lots of tracks to listen to there. He also is a master floor and tiling artist so if you need that done he might put down the guitar for awhile and help you out in that regard.
Air BnB
My friend Julia Smith here in Merritt has a great cabin available as an AirBnB for a family or group looking to have a base while exploring the fabulous interior. You can check it out by clicking here.

Adventure Guides
If you’re looking for a trip of a lifetime in the mountains, look no further than Wells Gray Adventures with my friends Ian and Tay. Their hut to hut hiking adventures or multi day canoe trips in the wilds of Wells Gray are the epitome of world-class adventuring. Check them out at or by clicking on the image below.