Fat lady sings – Cowboy poet dies!
The CBC techies hard at work Brent giving me an intro Perhaps the title to this post is what I should have used as my six word entry in the final challenge of Canada Writes 2010. But I think it … Continued
The CBC techies hard at work Brent giving me an intro Perhaps the title to this post is what I should have used as my six word entry in the final challenge of Canada Writes 2010. But I think it … Continued
I am sitting here, quite comfortably I hasten to add, in the well appointed Delta Hotel in downtown Winnipeg. Addicted as I am to maintaining my blog I spent the ten bucks it costs to get a connection for the … Continued
campfires are always a good source for inspiration Okay, that was the distress call used back in the old days of radio and is probably still in use today – although I have not seen it employed in anything that … Continued
Marc and I off to Winnipeg where the magic is made the magicians: Anshuman Iddamsetty and Peter Morey – and if it isn’t Peter then it’s Paul Hodge, and if there had been a Mary on the staff then it … Continued
Me at CBC Had to break down and make one more quick post. I made it into the big smoke and wanted to share a couple of quick pictures. The producers at CBC are great – they make a fellow … Continued