It’s a Two-fer
I enjoy it when I can get a two-fer when I am out with the camera. A two-fer is when you get two subjects in one shot. These two-fers I got just east of Merritt on the land of the … Continued
I enjoy it when I can get a two-fer when I am out with the camera. A two-fer is when you get two subjects in one shot. These two-fers I got just east of Merritt on the land of the … Continued
Today’s hike was a welcomed break from all those household things that seem to never end. Bruce Walter, Mossy Mossberg, and I put on the snowshoes and went for a hike on the grasslands (or at least the dry Douglas … Continued
Went for a short snowshoe this morning just to clear my head and to get away from all of the things I should be doing. The snow conditions were great in the timber as the crust has set up and … Continued
Even though the days are growing noticeably longer this seems to be the part of winter that drags on the most for me. Fortunately I have lots of spring and summer video to remind me of what lies ahead in … Continued
Got out for a short snowshoe trek this morning. Still fighting this cold so I was pretty slow. Fortunately everything else in the forest is pretty slow as well. At the start of our hike, this sign was hidden back … Continued
It’s mid-January and I’m dreaming of spring now. My hope is to get out in the hills and capture some of these grouse displays in person. It’s a tough one because these birds are very skittish and one needs to … Continued
While one really doesn’t expect to burn many mortgages with the proceeds from book sales in Canada, it is always fun to see that people from far and wide are reading your book and enjoying it. This is definitely the … Continued
Found this compilation video I had made a few years back. The subjects are spring returnees and it is always fun to watch them when they return. Almost as much fun as reading “Tigers, Tumbleweeds and Trauma” 🙂 Sorry but … Continued
On the upside it was a warm(ish) day and I got to check out my new pair of snowshoes. I have picked up a bug of some type, and not a good bug like an antlion or a toe-biter, but … Continued
The above clip is a collection of outtakes from a talk I deliver on all aspects of ethical wildlife photography and wildlife viewing. The talk is based on the idea that just because a person is packing a camera doesn’t … Continued