In my talk with Sheryl McKay I had mentioned that I would set up this page so that listeners that did not use Facebook could still access the videos and photos that I was mentioning.
We had talked about a variety of things and I think these four videos will cover most of the topics, but if I’ve missed something please feel free to comment below and I’ll see if I can dig out whatever you’re looking for. If, on the very slight chance, you came here looking for a link to my book – you can click here.
This is the clip of the sounds of four different amphibians at a grassland’s water hole. It’s a long clip that starts by letting you hear the individual calls of the Pacific Tree Frog, Columbia Spotted Frog, Western Toad, and the Great Basin Spadefoot. The cacophony at a single water is then presented. The four minutes is a compilation from a trail camera and covers a span of about 8 hours, as the party drags on there are fewer and fewer participants calling. Perhaps this is how a suitable mate is chosen – last frog standing type approach.
This next video is from a show my friend Bruce Walter and I put on for the Nicola Valley Arts Council. I did a series of videos and Bruce had a display of his photography. Bruce is an accomplished wildlife and scenery photographer and between the two of us, the valley and grasslands are well documented.
Flower Power from Frank Ritcey on Vimeo.
This next video is from a couple of years back. It covers all four seasons and was shot mainly in the Kamloops area but many of the species and plant communities are also found in the Merritt area.
The final clip is from an entry I had in the Kamloops Independent Short Short film contest. It covers the entire Thompson Nicola Regional District and all four seasons.
Monique A. Perzylo
Salut, Frank
I was listening to Sheryl’s Interview with you (Nov 27, 2022). Gilles Vigneault’s song: Mon pays, ce n’ait pas mon pays, C’est L’ hiver! {Winter}⛸⛷🛷
You mis-prononced mon ‘pays’ ! 🙂
Regarding amphibians: My sister is in Vietnam and she recorded this:–rdBbdjnhQ last week. (I don’t know if you can access this…)
I enjoyed the interview
Monique (Sooke, Vancouver Island)
(born & raised in Ottawa, and the winters are friggin’ freezing)
P.s. Robert Charlebois ‘s song; “You’re a frog, I’m a frog, kiss me And i’ll turn into a prince …suddenly 🎶🙆♂️
Yes, as I said, my grade eight French has not served me as well as I thought it would 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the interview.
Stephen Plant
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and passion for the seasons. I am reminded of Bliss Carman’s poem Revelation and his words “Live in friendship with the seasons and their skill will make thee whole”.
Best regards
Glad you enjoyed the conversation. It reminds me of the saying “You can choose to hate or love the snow, either way you will still have the same amount of snow.”
karyn lee hall
I live in Sherwood Park, AB and am now listening to your interview with Sheryl from Nov. 27th on CBC listen which I totally enjoy. Can you tell me more specifically which areas in the BC Interior that you would recommend to visit in the late Spring to view the magnificent wildflower displays? Thanks so much.
Karyn Hall
Hi Karyn – The Lac Dubois grasslands, just north of Kamloops has some excellent grasslands with incredible flower displays as do the grasslands around Merritt B.C. Another favourite of mine is Swan Lake near Princeton BC. Our flowers can be early or late depending upon the weather so if you follow my facebook feed or this website you’ll be able to see when I start flooding the pages with flower pics.