A Lundbom hike

posted in: hiking, Uncategorized | 2

Bruce, Moss and I made a quick run out to the Lundbom to stretch the legs and to look for images to capture.

The legs were stretched. Images were captured. Coffee and pie were served. Life was good.

There were two does with two sets of twins.
Our pond, was dry again this fall.
A copse of aspen.
What’s not to love about a rosehip?
Red Osier dogwood, besides being a preferred browse species to both deer and moose, is a colourful addition to a fall landscape.
A trio of bluebirds are staying a little too late I think.
Evidence of bugs.
A tight knit family. In fact, probably a single organism.

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2 Responses

  1. Lynne Borlé

    You will increase your enjoyment by 82.7 percent if you read this book!

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