Walking with the giants

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Had a great hike today – even though, for the first time in many years, I came across another set of tracks out in the wilderness. I followed them to see if I could find out what the person’s intentions were. It only took me about 5 minutes to ascertain that the person who made the tracks was a heavy-set man, with a long stride, and a person who would stop periodically to scan the forest. I could also tell that the person I was tracking had been to UBC to work on his Master’s in Economics and had two children, and a dog named Karma. I learned all of this when I realized I was tracking myself, having done a complete 360 degree walk in the fog. I laughed at myself when I determined that I was good and turned around at that point. It took all of about 30 seconds for me to regroup and to ascertain my actual position.

  1. Rick

    Been there. Getting out the compass was easy. Reorienting myself around that was the hard part.