Captain’s log, stardate 2017 – We’ve just left the alpha-centauri sector. . .
No wait, that is another entry I have to finish for my other job. This entry is a little more exciting.
Raven, Karma and I went for a hike in the transition zone between the dry grasslands and the dry Douglas Fir/bunchgrass zones (you may recognize a theme here), and yes, it was pretty dry out there.
The juniper berries are doing well – which bodes well for the Townsend’s solitaire but the bear-berry plants were devoid of fruit which forebodes poorly for the bears next spring.
The air was crisp and clear, the skies blue and the company splendiferous.
A high point was watching the rare Arkansas Stump hound do her thing – hunting out stumps and rocks and pouncing on them until treats were handed out.
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