Perhaps the title to this post is what I should have used as my six word entry in the final challenge of Canada Writes 2010. But I think it would have taken a lot more “perhaps’ ” and “what-ifs” to have had much of a chance against the other talent in the writing competition.
When all was said and done I think the whole exercise went much better than I had anticipated. My fixation with beer helped cover up and/or explained some of my lapses in writing and seemed to strike a chord with most of the judges and the audience. The irony of course is that my beer consumption rate is far below the average consumption rates for the typical Canadian male.
That is the beauty of being a writer though. You can create your own worlds, your own realities, and if you are good enough – you can invite others into those worlds.
I’m back in Kamloops now and I’m gearing up for some new projects: I have a pilot to prepare for a children’s nature show we are trying to pitch to the learning channel. I have a radio play that I am wanting to pitch to CBC. I am burning incense and offering up chickens in a bizarre voodoo ritual with the intent of securing an interview with the people at TRU for a job as a research assistant. On top of all of that I am getting my solar system up and running and am trying to figure out how to spread the gospel about the benefits of augmenting the grid.
The solar project is going to take some work as I want to design a system that will automatically collect data from the system and post it onto a website so others wishing to invest in solar can see what the potential rewards are. For now I have a very low tech solution – I have thermometers on the intake and outflow sides of the solar panels and can record the differential in temperature. This differential, when multiplied by the volume of water going through the system will tell how many calories the system produces – a calorie being the amount of energy required to raise one gram of water one degree celsius.
So with my plate overflowing with projects again, I must sign off and get to work.
Peace out – keep your cinch tight and enjoy!
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